Supportive Coaching
Supportive Coaching Sessions provide encouragement, empowerment, healing support, and ongoing coaching. Thea and her clients become co-explorers. They investigate using self-inquiry, Reiki, and meditation, uncovering any blocks or blind spots. Self-kindness and compassion arise as clients find their voice, reclaim their innate confidence and move into living a more wholesome integrated life. Supportive Coaching sessions can be scheduled independently or on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Currently, all Supportive Coaching Sessions are available online.
“Working with Thea for nearly two years has guided me through both the emotional and energetic blocks, hurdles, and challenges that life presents me with. Some sessions we talk, others I relax as Thea works her Reiki magic - even over Zoom. The grace and happiness awakening in me is a testament to how effective and deep the work is. I highly recommend Thea’s holistic and diverse approach to traditional therapy and Reiki!”