Reiki Training
We offer all 3 Degrees of Reiki Training and Reiki Master Training
After 24 years as an active Reiki Master, Thea embodies Reiki and wholeheartedly shares her wisdom and skills. She offers private and group training online and in-person. Thea supports and encourages her trainees to move steadily through their Reiki journey, taking time to develop proficiency and confidence. Miracles, big and small, blossom and flourish with gentle, loving Reiki in your life.
You are welcome to schedule a Free 15-minute consultation call for more information!
1st Degree Reiki Training
After taking 1st Degree Reiki training, you will be able to access the healing benefits of Reiki and give yourself and others assistance in restoring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. 1st Degree Reiki Training is an amazing gift to oneself; many people experience increased spiritual awareness and a connection with their inner wisdom. You will be "attuned." Attunement is a sacred ritual performed by the Reiki Master to open a channel for Reiki to flow into the student. Once attuned to Reiki, the flow of energy is often felt as warmth or heat flowing out through the hands. The hands can be placed on the body to help relieve aches and pains and bring about relaxation. Many people report a sense of well-being and peace after their 1st Degree Reiki Training and attunement.
A Free 15-minute consultation call is available for those interested in First Degree Reiki Training.
At least 4 Traditional Reiki sessions received before 1st Degree Training.
2nd Degree Reiki Training
After 2nd Degree Reiki Training, you will have the ability to channel Reiki energy even more deeply. A sacred attunement is performed by the Reiki Master to activate three sacred symbols; with these symbols, you will be able to increase the power of the Reiki flow, assist with emotional clearing, and facilitate distance healing. Distance healing allows Reiki to be sent to people in other locations and is remarkably helpful with healing past traumas. Healing at this level moves beyond the physical plane and opens the student to healing in all dimensions. The effects experienced after the 2nd Degree Reiki Training reach beyond formal practice and start to influence everyday life. As the student opens, Love is experienced more readily on all levels.
A Free 15-minute consultation call is available for those interested in 2nd Degree Reiki Training.
Completion of 1st Degree Reiki Training.
Given a minimum of 10 hands-on Reiki sessions to a friend, family member, or client.
1 Reiki Session seven days prior to 2nd Degree Reiki Training.
3rd Degree Reiki Training
After taking 3rd Degree Reiki Training, you will be able to correctly use the final 2 Reiki symbols, the sacred Master symbol, which works on deep healing and spiritual advancement, and the last Reiki symbol used for closure. Miracles big and small unfold with the practice of 3rd degree.
A Free 15-minute consultation call is available for those interested in 3rd Degree Reiki Training.
The completion of 1st and 2nd Degree Reiki Training.
At least 6 months of dedicated Reiki practice on oneself and others (after Second Degree Reiki Training).
1 Reiki Session within 7 days prior to class.
Reiki Master Training
Reiki Master Training is the next step for the dedicated Reiki practitioner. After this training, you will be able to teach first through third degree along with Reiki Master training to others. The ability to teach others and pass on this amazing gift of Reiki is a powerful karmic advancement. Becoming a Reiki Master is a great honor and an ongoing humbling experience as the true depth of Reiki is revealed. On a spiritual level, you are saying YES to becoming an advanced healer.
The true Reiki Master surrenders completely to this incredible work and is led in the direction he/she is needed as a healer.
A Free 15-minute consultation call is available for those interested in applying for Reiki Master Training.
The completion of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Reiki Training.
At least 3 months of dedicated Reiki practice on oneself and others (after 3rd Degree Reiki Training).
A readiness to take on the role of a Reiki Master.